Slip and Fall Accidents and Legal Perspectives on Wheel Stops


Slip and fall incidents can affect both victims and property owners in significant ways. In California, grocery store Albertsons was ordered to pay $4.3 million to a man who slipped on water on the floor while shopping in the meat section. The injured man initially suffered a broken nose and brain injury before experiencing cognitive issues, which were later identified via magnetic resonance imaging to be due to subdural hematoma. 

Who Is Liable In Slip And Fall Cases?

Slip and fall cases are personal injury cases that involve one party claiming that they were injured on another party’s property.

Both victims and property owners should understand that confirming premises liability is specific to each case.

Was the property owner careful and competent in managing their premises so as to prevent injuries? Or were the injuries the result of the plaintiff’s own carelessness?

Each party will advocate for their perspective on whether or not the accident was caused by dangerous conditions. A dangerous condition means that the premises carried an unreasonable risk of harm.

In order for the actions of the property owner to constitute negligence, it must be established that the property owner had a duty of care to ensure the safety of the premises, that the property owner did not fulfill their duty of care by allowing the premises to be in dangerous condition, and the property owner knew or should have known about the risk.

Legal Perspectives on Wheel Stops

Wheel stops are concrete blocks that are positioned in individual parking spaces to serve as a physical barrier that deters the driver from moving their vehicle further. While wheel stops can be effective for their intended purpose, they can also be safety hazards that lead to personal injuries. 

In cases where an individual trips over a wheel stop and files a personal injury claim, the property owner may argue that wheel stops are inherently visible objects, open and obvious by their nature, and the injured party was careless in contributing to his or her own injuries.  On the other hand, the injured party may argue that the wheel stops were not obvious by nature, or that the wheel stops were not positioned or painted properly in violation of safety codes, standards, and practices. 

Slip And Fall Personal Injury Lawyer

In slip and fall cases, victims can suffer injuries including bone fractures, brain injury, sprains, tears, and spinal trauma. Proving liability in slip and fall cases is not always straightforward and fighting for the compensation you legally deserve usually requires the expertise of a good personal injury lawyer to present your case.

If you have been involved in a wheelstop or slip and fall accident, we recommend consulting with a personal injury attorney. Call San Diego Personal Injury Lawyer Christopher Villasenor today to help you with your next steps.

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